jueves, 4 de abril de 2013


     I would love to have a manual to live, but at the end you learn that you need to have experiences to know how to live. Sometimes you think that you won't be able to support everything and you just get tired by cicumstances, by life. But,then, you stop  just one minute and all  those little things that make you happy come really fast to your mind( a smile, a kiss,  this song that you listen in the radio and that brings you thousands memories). This is the story of millions and millions of citiziens that have to confront a new reality, a reality full of poverty , of sadness and that makes the world be understood in other way.  Although, there is  another reality in which people can believe,  there is somethig called humanity and kindness and it contributes to create" hapinness". Let's do a change in this new reality, let's help. I have no words to say all the actions of kindness that my eyes had caught during my life   but I have words enough to change my reality,  to help, to make them listen my voice, to smile because there is always a free reason to do it.


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