domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Breaking Dawn...

       Someone told me once, that when you do something good, honorable, real  and nobody sees it, you must not be sad. Do things, just because you feel and  it will determinate you as a person.  Maybe, some of the decisions that people take  in life are hard and sometimes even if they want to act  with good intentions, things seem to be different. That is why , people can  not judzge other people just by one action or two in their lives. Destiny is made by choices, by insecurities , by wrong decisions  or maybe by good decisions but please act in they way you feel you must act, do not let anything that you want to do just because you feel nobody is going to show you any kind of gratitude for it. Remenber, you are who you are and you act  in the way your values show you, you must  act,  think that  the most beautiful thing of the day is  the first light  and it comes when the audience is still sleeping but it does not make it to be less beautiful or less important. It is there for people, when they decide to open their eyes and see it.

1 comentario:

  1. holaa!! buscando y buscando he encontrado que tu tenias el mismo problema que yo:@! jaja como conseguiste poner lo de "participar en este sitio para que te sigan" ?? ai mira si tenemos el mismo diseño y todo jej
    bueno muchas gracias!!
