miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

To be afraid

     Everybody is afraid of something. Fear can not be similar between people, maybe it has something in common but it will never be the same. Fear is very personal and different between humans. It can be simple, maybe it can't give options and we are who have to learn how to convive with it. Sometimes, "to be afraid" is made by insecurites, sometimes is just that we dont want to change while the others are changing or that we think that we never are going to get what we used to dream, and we get frozen by time, by circumstances , just using the words " I am afraid".

We are afraid of people, just because we feel that nobody can understand us, and also to disappoint someone who is important , who we love . Fear, could be created by the conscience and with it appears a new word " fault". We are scared of the things that we dont know, we are afraid of what we wanted to feel and we couldn't and of what we are feeling and we cant express. I want to have fear, I want to be afraid but the only thing I dont want is that fear controls my life . The only thing we have to do, is forget it.. leave it.. as that clothes that you someday bought and you dont use anymore. Happiness is not the abcense of fear, happiness is to learn how to control it.

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