miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Sky is still blue

    When you are down, when nothing has a mean at all and when you can not  remenber who you are, just open your eyes and see that the sky probably is grey, dark  but remenber that one day it was blue and it will be blue again. People go so fast and are so worried about life  that they totally forget "to live". How can we live? If we have  too many things to do, work, studies, children, house, bills and the most important is that sometimes we focus all in other people,  because we want the best for our children, our family, just the people we love and at the end we have a lot of  reasons to live, yes that is true! but we forget that the main reason to live is" you" , you need to be happy with your life even if you are in the worst circumstances, you just can  live once. Thus, we create a bubble in which all are problems and we start to be confuse about who we are, why we do what we do but  the answer is just in our eyes. We do what we do because we want to get better oportunities, we do things for other people just because they make us happy  ( they can apport us all those little things that make a life to be one).Sometimes it will make us forget that all those reasons create a main one, "you", you  do all of those things  because they have a mean to you, because they  make you happy and if they do not .. change your life! and remenber that choose what you chosen , do what you did doesnt determine yourself as a person, doesnt dertemine your life and the most important is  that  sky is still blue..

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