domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Breaking Dawn...

       Someone told me once, that when you do something good, honorable, real  and nobody sees it, you must not be sad. Do things, just because you feel and  it will determinate you as a person.  Maybe, some of the decisions that people take  in life are hard and sometimes even if they want to act  with good intentions, things seem to be different. That is why , people can  not judzge other people just by one action or two in their lives. Destiny is made by choices, by insecurities , by wrong decisions  or maybe by good decisions but please act in they way you feel you must act, do not let anything that you want to do just because you feel nobody is going to show you any kind of gratitude for it. Remenber, you are who you are and you act  in the way your values show you, you must  act,  think that  the most beautiful thing of the day is  the first light  and it comes when the audience is still sleeping but it does not make it to be less beautiful or less important. It is there for people, when they decide to open their eyes and see it.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Be yourself, there isn't anything more beautiful..

"You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that." 

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013


     I would love to have a manual to live, but at the end you learn that you need to have experiences to know how to live. Sometimes you think that you won't be able to support everything and you just get tired by cicumstances, by life. But,then, you stop  just one minute and all  those little things that make you happy come really fast to your mind( a smile, a kiss,  this song that you listen in the radio and that brings you thousands memories). This is the story of millions and millions of citiziens that have to confront a new reality, a reality full of poverty , of sadness and that makes the world be understood in other way.  Although, there is  another reality in which people can believe,  there is somethig called humanity and kindness and it contributes to create" hapinness". Let's do a change in this new reality, let's help. I have no words to say all the actions of kindness that my eyes had caught during my life   but I have words enough to change my reality,  to help, to make them listen my voice, to smile because there is always a free reason to do it.


miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Mírame y te diré quién soy, intenta juzgarme y te diré quién eres..

     No se puede culpar a los demás de las decisiones que uno mismo toma, una vida de culpa no es vida. Cada día millones de personas cometen mil errores, algunos graves otros no tanto. Lo importante es asumirlo, entenderlo, ese es el mayor acto de madurez posible no refugiarse en la mentira. La mentira es siempre injustificada no hay una razón que la justifique  cuando de ocultarse bajo ella se trate.  No se  puede  vivir pensando en que  nuestra vida es así porque otros han hecho que sea así, no se puede creer en lo que no es creíble, sólo tú tienes el poder de hacer lo que quieras, estarás muchas veces condicionado, sumergido pero es ahí cuando tienes que imponerte y no ser cobarde. " Cobardía" que palabra tan sutil,  justo lo contrario a valentía.¿Qué es ser cobarde y mentiroso?.

 Aquella persona que hace lo que hace justificando o alegando batallas del pasado, el pasado siempre forma parte de nosotros pero esa parte no decide por nosotros " somos quienes somos  por nuestros valores, por nuestros pensamientos y por nuestras acciones", sobre todo por estas últimas que forman el pasado, presente y futuro, que forman eso tan diferente y maravilloso  llamado vida.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Find me

The worst part of all was losing me...

I dont know if you know who you are until  you lose who you really are.


miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

My little girl

       He is not nervous, he knows that he lived  all that he could have lived. His face, his eyes, he seems to  be tired but he is not. He keeps all the energy that he had to say goodbye to them, " them" the people that he loved and love and if there is something out there that keeps his soul alive, then  it  could be said   that he will love them  forever and more.

He smiles to her, this little girl who is expecting, just waiting on the door. She is afraid but she smiles too and he tries  to take her next to him but there is  any kind of strengh in his old body.  He  wants to transmit her a last thing  of his  wisdom. He is trying to make her pay attention to him and  in a last effort he whispers her  something.  She is not sure  about who is that old man but she runs to the bed inmediately  when she heard what he said.

He gave her a coin, a simple coin. She saw the coin as a treasure and smiled to him. She recognized his face and with her hands she touched each wrinkle on it."Remenber my little girl, this coin could be important for you someday, make it important just for the meaning I guess and if someday you have many coins like this, remenber to help because happiness is made by people not by coins as I said "" Look for your place in the world, make a house to your heart  but  for your soul remenber that you are a citizen of the planet Earth"

Love you, Grandpa.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Just a woman

     She is who she is. She keeps smiling while she wants to be crying. She is strong but she did not know it. Nobody can understand her, she lives like in other dimension. She takes care of herself but at first sign she is like the most unprotected criature in life.

She does not how to react sometimes, she is not perfect and she is afraid of what will happen in life. She can wear what she wants, if she likes it.  She learnt that the most important is be loved by someone who really loves her and if this is not possible she would not want it in other way.

She could be insecure, but today she takes each step with security, she is calm and she won’t let anything to make conditional her. I do not see a girl now, I see a woman who looks for the truth, who will fight for what she wants and that will know when to give up. She is just a woman, a simple woman.